Monday, September 19, 2016

13th September - 19th September 2016

This week was good, just a normal week, kind of long, we couldn't find anyone to teach.  We are going to go visit all the less actives this week so that should be good!

I understand everything pretty much, now its just trying to find new words I don't know and getting used to new dialects depending on where I serve, I'm still not the best speaker though, something like that would take years and years of living here and not just doing missionary work with americans.

This mission is actually a 25 month mission, my return date at the moment will be late August, I won't be able to go home early either that's for sure.

I'm sick of it I hate the heat as a missionary.

The nearest missionaries are about an hour and a half away. We don't have a district it is just me and my comp and that's it really.

There is a senior couple in most cities and they always have preference over the car. We just walk everywhere so it kind of limits us, there is a bus but we can't really go out of our area without permission. The mission has rules so that you can only go on 1 pday a transfer (9 weeks) and that can only be somewhere within an hours travel and we are kind of away from everything, I want to go to check out Slovenia though we might do that.​ 

I'm about to start a bulking program! lots of chicken and rice and things like that, should be good!

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