Well...... I guess this is it! The last one. Who would have thought. This week went really really fast, a little to fast for my liking but that's okay usually when it goes quick it means that you had a great week which is true.
So just to start off on Monday we had a pretty chill day, we emailed and did a few other things that we had to do like shopping etc.. just a really cruisy day which was nice I needed that! We also visited a less active member who wasn't home but some other guy was and he kicked us out! But that's okay, he wouldn't even take the cinnamon rolls that Sister Decker made but whatever, do what you wish!
Tuesday was about one of the only normal days of the week, we just contacted as usual and had all the normal things happen like lunch, studies, dinner and some more contacting! Oh don't forget to mention that we had english too, that went well we actually have a bunch of kids that have started coming with their grandparents! it's kind of strange I feel like I'm a 1st grade teacher...But nonetheless it was fun, I kind of forgot about kids, you really don't have a lot to do with them out here!
Wednesday was Zone Conference! Our very last one! It went really well though, it was focused a lot on doctrine, a lot differently run that how President Grant did it but it was still great nonetheless :) We got to bear our final testimonies in front of everyone, they also asked us to pick a name of the Saviour which was used and explain why we like it etc.. I picked 2 Samuel 22:2 and the name used is "Rock" as he is my rock and its good to have someone you can always rely on. Big rocks don't move either, and its the same for the Saviour, as much as we are moving he isn't so its up to us to come back and not up to him. After Zone Conference we had to quickly take a bus back as we had a dinner appointment with one of the families here! It went great :) what else to say than that!
Thursday was pretty busy! We had a lot to do in the morning. First off we had to prep for district meeting and after that we had a lunch with a less active, and the daughter who is about 9 or so is learning the guitar and the Branch President/Senior couple is teaching her so we were mainly there for translating and friendship support :) but it went well! After that we had district meeting which was good, just another one in the bank! After that we had some studies and dinner etc... we had English class as usual which was nice, this time we had the advanced so it was just our man Dragan who always comes, he is a great guy! The day was also great for many other reasons! One of which was that we had an exchange and I was with my boy Deleeuw just like old times!
Friday we switched back and had some lunch as usual, and apart from that I guess we just had a pretty normal day! I don't really remember what happened! I'm having a mind blank, I think it was just contacting but i'm sure something happened... a lot happened this week so please excuse me on this one!
Saturday was very busy! We had a going away party for someone named Ada in this branch who is actually leaving tomorrow for her mission in the Ukraine! So during the day we went over and I made some classic aussie pav, but without strawberries it was a little hard, it was okay though we replaced it with raspberries and it was alright, it failed a little but it was okay, they party was great and it was cool to say goodbye to one of my very good mates here!
Sunday was the busiest day of them all! Seeing as it was Ada's farwell day and to an extent ours too but more for her anyways there were around 40 odd people at church! that is a ton! so it was a full house, anyways I had the honour of being able to say a few words and share my testimony which was great, even after 2 years of learning and speaking this language I still get very nervous going up and speaking! I thought it would go away but I guess not. After the sacrament meeting there was food and great vibes with some great people! After that Ada was set apart! It reminded me of me when I was set apart and what was said and I can honestly say that it has all come to pass! It was also an awesome experience to be apart of the setting apart.
Well.... I guess I should finish off this email. Its been a great 2 years! It's been the best, hardest, craziest, unexpected 2 years of my life. In the end though I know what I did was right and that it was worth that least something to my Heavenly Father, and to me that is all that matters, because he gave me and and all I want to do is give my all. I can't wait to get back and get into life again, its a little scary to leave I must say, and in many ways I really don't want to, the people I have met here the experience I have had, the culture, the food ;), all of it I wish I could have with me! Unfortunately you cant have all you want. But regardless I still will keep what has been very close to me and I never want to lose any of it! I love you all and thank you all for your support throughout my mission, for those who have constantly emailed and given me words of encouragement, thanks from the bottom of my heart! And I guess apart from that there isn't much to say! See yous in a bit! Lataz!
I will leave you all with a poem that was made by me and a great mate of mine :)
Ostavih stare i produžih dalje
treba reći zbogom
liti puno suza i služiti s Tobom.
Jedan od njih biću ja,
upamtih tad.
Ruke na mene oni polažiše i
zaboravit' te reči nika neću,
da ću ovim svetom širiti sreću.
Kroz školu jedva prođoh,
a sad novi jezik da učim dođoh.
U Beograd stigoh kao Gušter pravi
i sve se mislim šta sad da radim?!
Bog je velik i uz mene biće on,
ukoliko ja služim snagom svom.
Korak po korak, stan po stan,
stao nisam smeti tad.
Rekoše mi oni "Nemoj biti lud"
s razlogom si poslat' tu.
Znati mislio sam da nikada neću,
kome sada da udelim sreću?
Korak po korak, stan po stan,
nađoh razlog taj.
Kroz trnje do zvezda, prijatelje koje ovde stekoh,
moraću da ih ostavim,
ali nikad i da zaboravim.
Polako moram da privodim ovo kraju
i svi to znaju,
Rusty me željno očekuje, i njega ja,
ali znam da će nešto da mi fali tad.
Svojoj kući kada pođem
poželet' ću da na misiju opet dođem.

Elder Winfield
Starješina Winfield
Старешина Винфилд
Adriatic North Mission