This week was great, we had a lot on so quite busy! At the start of the week it was pretty much just the norm, contacting and some meetings. On Thursday we had an exchange and I got to see my trainer again Elder Pantelakis! We had a lot of fun, unfortunately we couldn't find anyone, it was pouring down rain! I don't know where it came from either, it didn't stop all night either. That's not the worst thing though, the worst thing was that I forgot my umbrella! We were about a 20 minute walk from home too, so about 10 minutes we decided to leg it home, in the end I forgot I was unfit so I stopped running and just took the rain like a man.
After the exchange I went back to Zadar and just did the normal things, on Sunday after church we had to book it to Zagreb because we had the David Archuleta concert/fireside. It was great he sounds actually a lot better then I thought he would of, that night we went back to the misison home where we chilled out with him and ate dinner, he told us a few stories and before you know it, it was 11 o'clock. The next morning we had breakfast with him and with some others and we had a mini devotional which was great.
After that David left and then we played some ball with some of the missionaries, it was great fun although I know I'll feel it tomorrow. We then drove home and got some Dr.Pepper and milk duds from the place in Zagreb as its the only place in the mission where its possible, we then went home and now we are here!
This transfer has kind of gone fast! It has already been 5 of the 9 weeks! Looking forward to this week as it wont be as busy and I don't have to drive so much, hope you all had a good week! All the best.
Elder Winfield
Starješina Winfield
Старешина Винфилд
Beautiful Zadar
Lovely day in Zadar with the district
My Trrainer and I
It was pouring at pozdrav suncu
elder Eddington and I, he was in my mtc group
elder bowles and I cruising
David Archuleta and I - sorry about the bad tie : ( poor choice haha

Awesome family skype Mother's Day 8th May 2016
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