Tuesday, May 3, 2016

26TH APRIL - 2ND MAY 2016

Hello, this week has gone pretty fast we had a lot on, with zone conference being on the Monday we didn't really get much of a pday which was a bummer, but thats okay. Apart from that it was really just a normal week, a lot of talking to people! 

On Wednesday we had to do all of Elder Bowles' visa stuff and get it all ready to go which took a bit of time, luckily the police were nice that day, no dramas! We then had English that night which was good we had 3 people come, we taught how to tell the time!

Thursday was just a lot of talking with people and doing the same old same old, we had English again which was good, we did a review on time again and made them talk a lot! we also switched off and had an exchange with the other elders in our district because the zone leaders dogged us and canceled at the last second, I was back with my comp from last transfer (Elder Bolan) which was great, brought back all the memories from the transfer before, it's funny how nothing changes!

Friday was long, it was hot and we just had nothing to do so it was finding all 8 hours, we switched back off that night and had dinner which was yum, mi gorang noodles!

Saturday was fun, we went and contacted in the morning and then I had to do some clerk stuff with our branch president, we then went and had a baptismal interview with and 8 year old who we have been teaching with he grandma who is a member for a while, he did well, we still need to teach him more regarding the Holy Ghost and the sacrament but apart from that it was really good! We just have to organise a date for it all and go from there. He is a good kid I hope he stays in the church!

finished the puzzle!

we got Dr pepper, from zagreb, the only place in the mission to get it

It was fast Sunday on Sunday which is always fun! we had church and unfortunately we had 0 investigators at sacrament meeting which was the first time that has happened since I have been here, we then had one of our investigators show up after the first meeting, I think it was because it was a public holiday here in Croatia and it was pouring down rain. (People are scared of the rain here) We then made cinnamon rolls which was great I will attach a photo of that. After that we had weekly planning and joined our lunch and dinner hour to have a feast with the other elders, we made the weirdest meal but it wasn't too bad in the end.

We ended up finding a few people who were pretty cool, they were not interested in meeting up again unfortunately. That was about my week though, next week will be busy, we have no senior couple here at the moment because they are in Bosnia at a meeting so we have to run the place, we also have a David Archuleta concert in Zagreb which luckily we can go too! We also get to meet him ect.. should be exciting it will be a very good week!

Elder Winfield

Starješina Winfield

Старешина Винфилд 

Adriatic North Mission 

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