So this week was pretty good, we were very busy! On Monday I travelled from Varazdin by bus to Zagreb, my friend Zoran helped me with my bags as it was decent walk to there! I arrived in Zagreb in the late morning and it was pretty cold. We decided to play some ultimate frisbee with some of the other missionaries there ended up being about 15 or so of us so it was a lot of fun. I brought the footy out too so I got to kick that for a little to bring back some memories! I'll be very rusty when I get back! After that I left to Sremska! I arrived pretty late at night, we ordered some food and ate some cevapi, it was pretty good but filling!
The next morning we had a lot to do, in fact the whole week we had a lot to do, the missionary I was with was going home that week so he had a lot of people to visit before he left! But yeah pretty much there was a lot of administration stuff to do and etc... we also deep cleaned the house which was well needed, now I'm here with Elder Jex and we are good mates he is in my MTC group so I already know him well.
So just an update on whats going on, I'm going to Zagreb tomorrow to pick up my brand new fresh meat missionary from Utah, it will be quite fun! It only felt like the other day that I was in theirshoes so I'm looking forward to see what it is like from the other side. I will have a bit of training along with my greeny. On wednesday we will come back here to Sremska and then from there it will just be a normal transfer! Looking forward to the challenge I'm sure it will be good though. Sounds like a lot is going on at home I'm looking forward to seeing my brothers mission call and where he is going! all the best to him!
love you guys.. :)
Elder Winfield
Starješina Winfield
Старешина Винфилд
Adriatic North Mission
Thank you , my friend , l miss you , love , Zotran