Well this week was quick! We had a fair bit on and was pretty strange at some points but it went well in the end :)
We first started off the week on our pday doing nothing really until it was later then we went down and played some basketball with some random people. It was fun they were alright, one guy could just dunk it and just wrecked but it went well. After that it was just normal pday things, just cleaning etc..
Tuesday we had zone conference so we had the other elders stay over then in the morning we went off to Beograd to meet our new mission president! It was an interesting Zone Conference... most of it was just getting to know them etc.. but for us it doesn't matter too much but nonetheless it was still fun! On the way back we stopped in and got some things from the shopping centre. Apart from that nothing too much happened on Tuesday.
Wednesday was pretty bland, there was just a lot of contacting and we had district meeting which was nice to split things up but apart from that it was just the same old same old! We also played Frisbee with some of the members here and taught a little lesson. I brought the footy as well so it was great to kick the pill for a bit! I was rusty as but I think it didn't really help wearing crappy shoes. Cant wait to get back into it again! The young girl was pretty good at kicking the footy, beats the rest of the Americans that have tried :P
Thursday was really a strange day.... My comp was a little sick in the morning so we did our studies then.. I also got really burnt that day which sucked! We have a balcony and I'm trying to fix my stupid as neck tan that looks horrible! Its alright I got some aloe vera and she'll be right! After that we went contacting and had some weird experiences... not sure why, must of been something in the air but we had some really strange contacts, the main one was when we were on the bridge and we were talking to some lady, we just got her number when about 20 meters down the bridge some old guy ate the bitumen and fell off his bike. There weren't a lot of people around so we went over and helped him up etc... then a couple of others came and called the ambulance. He wanted us to leave him and let him walk home but he was for sure wrecked and no way was he making it back alive! Anyways that was really weird... but yeah. Apart from that we just had english class which was good, we had someone come in who was new and he took a bunch of church material and seems a decent amount interested, I'm not 100% sure about him I thought he was high when he came to english but I don't know, we will see.
Friday was pretty normal, we just had contacting as usual, we ended up doing a mini exchange just to change things up! The beauty of 4 elder districts is if you are sick of your comp it is okay because an exchange is only just around the corner. The whole day was just contacting though I don't really have much else to say than that.
Saturday was good, we kicked it off with a morning session of contacting, we couldn't find anyone cool but nonetheless it was good. After we went and cleaned the church and had lunch together. We had a lesson organised too but unfortunately he didn't turn up. After that it was back to the grind!
Sunday was pretty good, we had one of our investigators turn up which was cool, we organised a lesson with him and we will meet with him tonight so I'm hoping that will go well, he is around 80 years old and smokes and drinks so we will see how all that goes, he seems to enjoy church but it will be a tough one! After church we had lunch at the other elders then we went contacting. After that we actually bumped into like 20 Americans who were here for something. Lucky Sorensen was there to translate for me so they could understand. They were on kind of a mission for their non-denominational church which went for 2 weeks.... I was like geeez I have been out here more months than you have days! But it was interesting, they were nice at least. After that we went back to the apartment for dinner and had some Palacinke for desert!
This week will be fun, we had a decent amount on, I'm going on exchange with the zone leaders who is actually my son (the one I trained) so Valentine is coming back here to Sremska! Same apartment and everything, it will just be like old times, expect he will know what he is doing and I heard he is pretty good at the language now so it will be awesome to see the changes that have happened since I was with him last.
This week will be fun, we had a decent amount on, I'm going on exchange with the zone leaders who is actually my son (the one I trained) so Valentine is coming back here to Sremska! Same apartment and everything, it will just be like old times, expect he will know what he is doing and I heard he is pretty good at the language now so it will be awesome to see the changes that have happened since I was with him last.
I love yous all :) sorry about the tiges dad... cant win em all aye? Anyways... thanks for finishing my room! Look forward to seeing it! Lataz xoxo
Zone conference with our new Mission President and wife 4th July

President: 'During the lunch break, we also took a picture with each missionary with their favorite scripture listed on a board next to us. We thought you would like to have these pictures, so I've attached them here.'
Elder Winfield
Starješina Winfield
Старешина Винфилд
Adriatic North Mission
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