I went on exchanges again with the zone leaders so that was fun we contacted a lot so yeah not too much different there!
So I have now been out for 7 weeks here in Serbia! it has been hard white washing the area but I have enjoyed the challenge! We opened this new area up in Beograd with 0 investigators and now we have around 8 names that are looking pretty good and 3 are looking good for a baptism before the end of the year! With transfers coming up on the 8th of December I hope that I can stay here for Christmas! I am really enjoying the area and people and members.
We have had a pretty long last week with a lot of contacting and finding, we ending up finding a lady who seemed really interested with the Book of Mormon so we are hoping to meet up with her this week we have a few lessons planned for a few investigators so I'm really looking forward to that!
It has started to snow! I woke up Sunday morning seeing it and it was weird because the last 4 weeks have been in the mid 20's then all of a sudden it just dropped to the negatives! crazy. So this week our investigator went to church and we are meeting up again on Saturday after we play indoor soccer or basketball and we will invite him to be baptised then lets hope it goes well I think it will. We also have another investigator who we have an appointment with after english class so we are hoping that will go smooth too.
Nothing here is really too much different we do the same things everyday so I'm looking forward to the weeks to come, this week we have to help take elder Morgan one of the zone leaders to the airport, so we will stay at there place a few nights of the week and we have thanksgiving on Thursday which is some american holiday so we get a half day off! woo!
We also had an unfortunately incident happen with one of the elders in Zadar "elder Williams" getting leukemia cancer so he had to leave to home and arrived yesterday, he had been out exactly a year and won't be coming back out so we are hoping everything goes well for him.
So yeah we didn't have any super amazing experiences this week, we talked with some good people on the streets and did a lot of hard work and got to teach some lessons to the members which was great but I think this week will be even better! I'm excited to see how it goes. Wish me luck!Love Elder Winfield :)
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