Monday, July 18, 2016

12th July - 18th July 2016

Had a pretty busy week in the end! wow. So on Monday I spent my last day with my mission father Elder Pantelakis, we went around center and did random stuff, went to maccas which was nice, that night we also had dinner at an american Mormon families house as they have been living here for about 7 weeks doing family history stuff, they will be leaving next week, it was so weird to eat at a members house!

Tuesday morning, Elder Pantelakis and I left to go to Zagreb where I would stay for the next few days until I would pick up my new comp. So I had district meeting with Zagreb which was fun, after that there was a lot of running around, and in the end I found out I was traveling to Bosnia for a night to drop off a missionary there so I stayed in a city called banja luka. I had some good Gyros which i was so happy about, it is like my favourite food out here! 

Wednesday morning I took another elder back to Zagreb, we left at about 9 and got into Zagreb at about 12ish, after that the Zagreb elders and I did a lot of running around things as there was a Zone conference for Serbia in the mission home, after that we worked the rest of the night which was fun (it was weird working in another area!) 

Thursday morning we worked some more and then had some lovely Burek from a nice restaurant. Then at about 2 oclock I picked up my new companion who is from Canada and then we headed back to Zadar on the lovely 3 and a half hour bus, that was probably the longest its ever been, even though I have taken that bus like 30 times I usually sleep the whole way, not this time! That night we set up and got some food and that was about all there was time for.

Friday we had district meeting as we couldn't have it on our normal Tuesday. After that we had to do some visa stuff for Elder Palmer and then we got some lunch. After that we worked the rest of the day, it was actually only like 25 degrees, really quite cold compared to how it has been here in Zadar. After that I made some lovely gnocchi, I'm really enjoying making new random dishes!

Saturday it was just an all working day except we met with a member and taught a lesson to one of the kids who was just recently baptised, we are currently going through the Articles of Faith and he is enjoying that. After that we worked until dinner then cleaned the church which was fun.

Sunday we expected to have a huge turn out of tourists as the previous weeks had been 20 tourists coming but this week we only had about 12 which was nice, most of the spoke english too which was also very nice.  After that we did weekly planning and then went over to the Dever's, sister Dever cooked up a lovely meal as usual! They only have one more week! I'm going to miss them a lot. The rest of the night we worked.

And now to today! we will be going to center and showing the sea organ to Elder Palmer as he hasn't seen it yet, I might have a look at some of the little souvenir shops too, it should be a good day, this week seems pretty open but I'm sure it will be a lot of fun! Hope you all have a good week.


Elder Winfield

Starješina Winfield

Старешина Винфилд 

Adriatic North Mission 

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