Tuesday, January 31, 2017

24th January - 30th January 2017

Well this week was really fast! It felt like yesterday i was here writing emails again.... The week started off with Zoran making us some lovely food on Monday night, he wanted to treat us which was nice, he is a great cook. After that my comp felt sick so i just kind of waited while he was in the bathroom for a while :/ 

Tuesday was pretty normal also very cold, we only had a couple of people come to english! Really strange but that's alright. Wednesday was just bussing up to Zagreb where we would then have dinner at president grants and watch the big conference from Salt Lake City. It went for 2 hours and it was mainly a review of what last years big conference was so that was interesting, they want to keep the focus on "Teach Repentance and Baptise Converts"  We had a lovely dinner cooked by Sister Grant though which was nice. They then announced the changes for all missions with a new schedule, we now have a ton more freedom with the schedule, we can choose when we want to do certain things which will make the work a lot better i think, especially for people in missions like ours where we don't have much else to do other then be outside working. It will be interesting though, it wont be implemented here until our Zone Conference which is this Friday so we will see how it all goes...

Wednesday night we stayed at the ZL's with Matthews and Parko, I love those guys they are funny. We then on Thursday worked in Zagreb which was a good change up, people actually listen there it was so weird, we walked like an hour and had a good 4 or 5 conversations.... I swear I haven't had one in like a week here! Anyways then we finally finished the night off with some lovely Umami, this asian place in Zagreb... oh man soooo good! i love my Asian food, there are only a few good places in the mission so i was happy :) After that we went back to the ZL's to stay another night there.

Friday was the day of the a special conference at Presidents, it was just my MTC group and a couple of others before us, a lot of the talk was about what we are going to do to improve the mission and keep on the goal of 100 Baptisms for the year. It was great to see everyone again, we had so many stories to tell! I look forward to the last night in the mission home with all those fellas. We had sister Grant's cooking again which was lovely! Enchiladas or whatever they are called, I don't know spanish. After that they took us to the bus station to get back to Varazdin. 

Saturday was good we cleaned the church as normal then we had a surprise lesson with some guy who we taught probably 3-4 weeks ago. We thought he blocked our number but i guess he didn't, we got his new number and taught him a lesson, he has a lot of good questions, we also showed him that the bible says that God has a body, he seemed surprised but i guess we will see. He just showed up to the church after we finished cleaning. That night we had our branch presidency meeting, i nearly fell asleep.... 

Sunday was fun we had church in the morning as usual. We then had a lesson with Denis who is the son of the Branch President here who was recently baptised so we are just finishing up the lessons there. After that it was back home to have a lovely lunch and then out to work! We got back in at about 6 to finish off the day with Dinner and some planning for the week. 

So yeah that's about my week, not too much special just the normal missionary life.... 

Shoutout to FEDERER! woo!!! I'm sure you would be happy mum as well as pappa.  I miss the aussie open.... 

Anyways so this week should be fun, we have Zone Conference this week so that should be fun and interesting to see how we can use the new Schedule. 

Also, my heart goes out to all those that died in Melbourne during the week with the thing that happened in the city.... some people are crazy.

I love you all and hope you have a great week! xoxo

Sorry no photos... i was lazy :( 

Elder Winfield

Starješina Winfield

Старешина Винфилд 

Adriatic North Mission 

Monday, January 23, 2017

17th January - 23rd January 2017

Hello family! First off I would like to say I'm pumped for Liam and it was cool to see all the photos, I remember it pretty clearly when I left and did the exact same thing!

This week was pretty long to be honest, I have had better but that's okay. We started off on Monday with just shopping ect... cleaned up the apartment a bit, went to the church and then did some office things so that was pretty normal! After that it was just walking around trying to find someone, we had one young guy stop which was good, he listened but was'nt interested at all. 

Tuesday was pretty normal we just contacted all day again. We tried to get a lesson organised with our investigator who we had on baptismal date but she said she was at the doctors and would call back later, of course they don't call back and a couple of days past so we decided to try again but no reply...  Anyways so we had english which is always fun, man the english class here helps me keep going! They are a lot of fun. 

Wednesday was again a full 8 hours of contacting. For some reason, I think because of walking on the uneven ice all day my left foot started to play up which was annoying, I thought it was just a strain or something so I just walked through it, on Thursday it was an all contacting day again, I kind of forgot about my foot then as I was walking it started again, I really didn't want to call the mission nurse or anything but my comp made me and grabbed the phone and started calling her.... that was on the Friday though, so yeah I still don't know whats wrong with it, I put a heat sock with rice in it over it for a while which helps a little with ibeprophen or however you spell it.  It still kind of hurts, they reckon it's like a tendon or something, I'm sure it'll be right, if it's still not good by Wednesday when I go to Zagreb I'll organise a doctors appointment, I just hope its good cause I hate being injured... I think its good though. First time on the mission I've actually been hurt though! 

Friday was again another all contacting day, we took a little bit of a break because of my foot and did our district meeting and weekly planning ect... we usually save it for Sundays but I mean I couldn't walk so we did it then. Apart from that it was just limping around the sitting for 3 hours haaha I reckon I looked so dumb.... 

Saturday was again all contacting, we legit didn't have one person even talk like a sentence.... kind of a sad day, we went to the gypsy market in the morning though to see if they had anything cheap, they didn't but it was fun to see it all again last time I went was when I was here the first time. We cleaned the church too, our whole branch presidency was in Zagreb for a meeting so we were alone cleaning. We contacted our investigator about coming to church, she sad if she could she would, I was pumped, texted all the members saying if she comes make her feel welcome ect... help her understand certain things ect...

Sunday came and yeah unfortunately she didn't rock up, I mean it happens.... We will have to push her baptismal date back some more because of it, i still reckon she can get baptised for sure though, it will just take some time. I was kind of down after sacrament meeting then we were reading the Gordan B Hinkley manual and the first line interestingly said......

Ada Bitner Hinckley, President Gordon B. Hinckley’s mother, often said that “a happy attitude and smiling countenance could boost one over almost any misfortune and that every individual was responsible for his own happiness.”1

so that kind of reminded me that i should be happy for what I'v got and that it is up to me to create my happiness, so yeah I'm not too fussed about what's happened. Everyone has bad weeks I mean it's just how life is! I'm excited for the next ones to come! This next week should be good we have a lot on, I'll be in Zagreb for 2 of the days so that should be interesting...

The cold is a killer though, I don't reckon I have been in much colder haha, it's okay though I'm kind of enjoying it cause I know I wont have it for too much longer then it will be heat, for a long time!

Happy Australian Day too! I hope you guys party hard and don't have too much fun without me... I could really go for a nice snag on the barbie with the cricket going on in the background and cold solo!  

I hope you all had a great week i love you all! :) xoxo 

Elder Winfield

Starješina Winfield

Старешина Винфилд 

Adriatic North Mission 

Monday, January 16, 2017

10th January - 16th January 2017

I went on exchange with my mate Parko and we also have someone on baptismal date here in Varazdin, we had a really spiritual lesson which was great :) 

We have a new investigator - she is an older lady around 60 she smokes I think I'm not sure, we will have another lesson some time this week so I guess we will see! We just had that lesson which was really good we taught the plan of salvation

haha ! before you know it you will be alone with the girsl! 

Don't worry ill be back before you know it.

Elder Winfield

Starješina Winfield

Старешина Винфилд 

Adriatic North Mission 

Monday, January 9, 2017

3rd January - 9th January 2017

I will start running when it starts warming up... I'm just doing pushups and random stuff now.

We usually see investigators at the church, people feel more comfortable there. It was an okay week, we had about 3 lessons scheduled and they all didn't show...so that kind of sucked but yeah apart from that we were in Zagreb on Friday for Zone conference

By the way it's snowing a ton.

My comp and I are getting on fine, he is good.

Below is the link for the interview on Croatian TV
Zavirili smo u prostorije zagrebačke kapele Mormonske crkve te razgovarali s mladim misionarima koji su nam otkrili kako se nose s negativnim komentarima ljudi koje zaustavljaju na ulici.

Zavirili smo u prostorije zagrebačke kapele Mormonske crkve te razgovarali s mladim misionarima koji su nam otkrili kako se nose s negativnim komentarima ljudi koje zaustavljaju na ulici.

Dotjerani mladići i djevojke koji na odijelima nose pločice s imenima, a u ruci knjigu ili torbu prizor su koji često izaziva znatiželjne poglede prolaznika. Riječ je o mladim misionarima Crkve Isusa Krista svetaca posljednjih dana, poznate kao Mormonska crkva, koji su u Hrvatsku došli iz raznih dijelova svijeta.
VEZANI ČLANCISlika nije dostupnaVIDEO Zatvoren Amerikanac u Sjevernoj Koreji: 'Pomozite mi!'Slika nije dostupnaKamenovani su, ranjavani vatrenim oružjem i pljačkani niz godina...
Napustili su obiteljski dom kako bi otišli u zemlju za koju nerijetko prije nikad nisu ni čuli te u njoj obavljaju misionarski rad, šire svoju vjeru te podučavaju engleski jezik dok istovremeno uče hrvatski.
Posjetili smo ih u zagrebačkoj kapeli Crkve Isusa Krista svetaca posljednjih dana gdje se svake nedjelje okupljaju na bogoslužju.
Kroz nju nas je u pratnji misionara provela Ana Hundrić, predstavnica za odnose s javnošću Crkve Isusa Krista svetaca posljednjih dana. Prvo što primjećujemo je kako na zidovima nigdje nema križeva niti drugih vjerskih simbola, već jedino slike s motivima iz Biblije i Mormonove.
„Isus Krist je uskrsnuo i živi pa nema potrebe stalno podsjećati na njegovu patnju i smrt. Njegov život je primjer koji slijedimo i iz kojeg učimo“, objašnjava nam.
Uz dvoranu za bogoslužje, u kapeli se nalaze i brojne učionice u kojima se nedjeljom uči o evenđelju, a preko tjedna misionari drže besplatne tečajeve engleskog jezika za sve zainteresirane, bilo oni članovi mormonske zajednice ili ne.

Stručnjaci za rodoslovlje

Prolazimo kroz dvoranu za krštenje s improviziranim bazenom te dolazimo do prostorije u kojoj je putem mikrofilmova moguće besplatno istraživati rodoslovlje i pronaći svoje pretke iz najveće rodoslovne baze na svijetu koja sadrži više od 3.5 milijardi slika na mikrofilmovima i digitalnim medijima.
Mormoni su naime, aktivno uključeni u rad na obiteljskom rodoslovlju, te prema učenjima Crkve imaju obvezu prema minulim precima koji nisu imali priliku čuti i prihvatiti evanđelje Isusa Krista u svojem životu na zemlji na način kako to podučava Crkva.
Mormonska crkva u Hrvatskoj aktivno djeluje od 1974., a njen najpoznatiji predstavnik bio je legendarni košarkaš Krešimir Ćosić.
Prilikom svog osnutka brojala je tek šest članova dok ih danas diljem Hrvatske djeluje šest stotina.
Jedna od razlika između mormona i katolika je u tome što mormonska zajednica smatra kako su oni zapravo restauracija originalne Kristove crkve na zemlji, a koja funkcionira uz pomoć proroka, 12 apostola te evanđelista.
Ana Hundrić objasnila nam je još neke razlike između katoličke i mormonske vjere. „Naša molitva je osobno obraćanje Bogu i nije unaprijed određeno što ćemo i na koji način reći. Sakrament ispovijedi ne postoji u istom obliku kao i u Katoličkoj crkvi. Ne odlazimo svećeniku kako bismo ispovjedili svoje grijehe, osim u slučaju da je riječ o zaista velikim grijesima. U svim ostalim situacijama direktno komuniciramo s Nebeskim ocem“, kaže Hundrić.

10 posto prihoda daju crkvi

Članovi mormonske zajednice 10 posto svojih prihoda daju crkvi, a kako bi održali svoja tijela zdravima održavaju zakon koji nazivaju Riječ mudrosti i u skladu s njime ne konzumiraju alkohol, cigarete, kavu niti duhan.
„Novcem kojeg dajemo Crkvi pomažemo onima koji su u potrebi. Davanje desetine prihoda je zapovijed zabilježena još u Starom zavjetu. Tako učimo upravljati svojim novcem. Iza te zapovijedi postoji obećanje Nebeskog oca kako će osoba koja plaća svoju desetinu, biti duhovno i materijalno blagoslovljena.“, kaže Hundrić.
Svi odrasli muški članovi crkve su svećenici koji se za razliku od katoličkih svećenika mogu ženiti i zasnivati obitelj. „Svatko od nas živi svoj život, a u Crkvi služimo kao volonteri. Imamo svoje poslove i profesionalni život odvojeno od crkve“, kaže Hundrić.
Poznati su po svom misionarskom radu. „Misionarski rad je jedno od poslanja Crkve. Vjerujemo da je evanđelje radosna vijest i to želimo podijeliti s drugima kako bismo ovu zemlju učinili boljim mjestom", kaže Hundrić. Mormonski misionari svakodnevno su na terenu pa se tako nerijetko nađu u neugodnim situacijama.
"Nitko me zbog moje vjere ne doživljava drugačije."
Velik broj ljudi koje zaustave na ulici ili im pokucaju na vrata, nema razumijevanja ili strpljenja za ono što im mladi misionari žele približiti.
Iako sama nije bila na misiji kaže kako se nije susrela s negativnim predrasudama. „Nitko me zbog moje vjere ne doživljava drugačije“, kaže Hundrić.
Jedna od čestih predrasuda je i ona kako mormoni prakticiraju poligamiju.„To je dio povijesti crkve, no ta su vremena davno prošla. Božja je zapovjed da bračnu zajednicu čine jedan muškarac i jedna žena“, kaže Hundrić
Prije no što se pridružila mormonima, bila je dio Katoličke crkve te i danas cijeni to iskustvo. „Kada sam počela proučavati Mormonovu knjigu, dobila sam svoje svjedočanstvo da je ta knjiga istinita i da je pisana za današnje vrijeme kako bi učili iz nje“, objašnjava Hundrić.

„Ljudi koji se neugodni prema nama ne znaju zašto smo mi tu“

Svoja iskustva o misiji u Hrvatskoj s nama su podijelili i mladi misionari koji razbijaju predrasude o mormonima kao zatvorenim sektašima koji se skrivaju od očiju javnosti.
Dobrovoljno su se prijavili za misionarski rad, i kako kažu, ne pada im teško život bez alkohola i cigareta tisuće kilometara od doma. Mnogi od njih za odlazak na drugi kraj svijeta štedjeli su od malih nogu. „Mi ovdje učimo vaš jezik, širimo vjeru te ne studiramo, već samo propovijedamo. Nakon dvije godine, vraćamo se kući. Možemo reći da je to poput jedne pauze u životu“, kaže 21-godišnja Brooklyn Davis koja je u Hrvatsku prije godinu dana došla iz američke savezne države Idaho.
Tijekom njihove misije, ovi mladići i djevojke zaustavljaju nepoznate ljude na ulici ili kucaju na vrata njihova doma. Kažu da pritom često dolazi do neugodnih situacija. „Nije uvijek lako, ali odgojen sam da se borim i da se ne predajem. To mi pomaže. Kad zaustavimo ljude, neki nam govore beži, beži, ali puno je onih koji nas i saslušaju“, kaže 20-godišnji Australac Joshua Winfield.
I njegov kolega, 21-godišnji Connor Larson kaže kako se često našao u neugodnim situacijama. „Ljudi koji se neugodni prema nama ne znaju zašto smo mi tu i ne znaju puno o našoj Crkvi. Nemam loše mišljenje o njima, već ih želim informirati“, kaže Connor.

„Saslušajte našu poruku“

Kako provode dane opisao nam je 20-godišnji Maxwell Ferguson. „Ustajemo u 6.30. Ujutro proučavamo naše evanđelje te učimo hrvatski jezik. Potom izlazimo na ulicu gdje s ljudima pričamo o našoj Crkvi, pričamo o tome kako poboljšati njihove živote. To je naš posao. Želimo s ljudima pričati licem u lice kako bismo im mogli pomoći“, kaže Maxwell.
"Ako vidite misionara na ulici, saslušajte našu poruku barem nekoliko minuta."
Na kraju razgovora mladi su misionari poručili kako im se sviđa život u Hrvatskoj te su zahvalni što su ovdje. Kažu kako im nije teško živjeti prilično različit život od svojih vršnjaka te da poštuju različitosti. U Hrvatskoj ih je oduševila gastronomija, pekare na svakom koraku i naravno nezaobilazni Advent.
„Zahvalni smo što smo ovdje i divno se osjećamo. Nije lako učiti nešto novo. Ja volim Hrvatsku i zahvalna sam što sam mogla doći ovdje. Ako vidite misionara na ulici, saslušajte našu poruku barem nekoliko minuta. Mi učimo vaš jezik i želimo vam nešto reći i ništa nećemo forsirati“, poručuje Brooklyn. 

Elder Winfield

Starješina Winfield

Старешина Винфилд 

Adriatic North Mission 

Monday, January 2, 2017

27th December 2016 - 2nd January 2017

Hello, how's it going. Happy New year.

Mine was good, I mean we weren't allowed to do anything for it so we were just in the apartment. We got to see fireworks from our apartment though.
We are working with a couple of people but it's kind of hard to meet with them so that makes it hard for them to progress!
Tell Liam he will be fine just ask people in the airport they will help! 
Yeah I got emails from pants (my trainer), the senior couple from Zadar the Devers, bolan who was one of my comps, Bozo and a couple of others and you guys of course!
My companion is doing well, I mean he isn't the kind that I would hang out with after the mission lets just say that, but he is good.  He is getting slowly better with the language too.

I had a dream I was playing cricket the other night! I realise I actually miss it a fair bit.

we met with an investigator on Saturday, he is former and yeah we have another lesson for this Saturday, I'm not too sure about him yet I guess we will see.

Love you heaps! xox

Elder Winfield

Starješina Winfield

Старешина Винфилд 

Adriatic North Mission