Well this week was really fast! It felt like yesterday i was here writing emails again.... The week started off with Zoran making us some lovely food on Monday night, he wanted to treat us which was nice, he is a great cook. After that my comp felt sick so i just kind of waited while he was in the bathroom for a while :/
Tuesday was pretty normal also very cold, we only had a couple of people come to english! Really strange but that's alright. Wednesday was just bussing up to Zagreb where we would then have dinner at president grants and watch the big conference from Salt Lake City. It went for 2 hours and it was mainly a review of what last years big conference was so that was interesting, they want to keep the focus on "Teach Repentance and Baptise Converts" We had a lovely dinner cooked by Sister Grant though which was nice. They then announced the changes for all missions with a new schedule, we now have a ton more freedom with the schedule, we can choose when we want to do certain things which will make the work a lot better i think, especially for people in missions like ours where we don't have much else to do other then be outside working. It will be interesting though, it wont be implemented here until our Zone Conference which is this Friday so we will see how it all goes...
Wednesday night we stayed at the ZL's with Matthews and Parko, I love those guys they are funny. We then on Thursday worked in Zagreb which was a good change up, people actually listen there it was so weird, we walked like an hour and had a good 4 or 5 conversations.... I swear I haven't had one in like a week here! Anyways then we finally finished the night off with some lovely Umami, this asian place in Zagreb... oh man soooo good! i love my Asian food, there are only a few good places in the mission so i was happy :) After that we went back to the ZL's to stay another night there.
Friday was the day of the a special conference at Presidents, it was just my MTC group and a couple of others before us, a lot of the talk was about what we are going to do to improve the mission and keep on the goal of 100 Baptisms for the year. It was great to see everyone again, we had so many stories to tell! I look forward to the last night in the mission home with all those fellas. We had sister Grant's cooking again which was lovely! Enchiladas or whatever they are called, I don't know spanish. After that they took us to the bus station to get back to Varazdin.
Saturday was good we cleaned the church as normal then we had a surprise lesson with some guy who we taught probably 3-4 weeks ago. We thought he blocked our number but i guess he didn't, we got his new number and taught him a lesson, he has a lot of good questions, we also showed him that the bible says that God has a body, he seemed surprised but i guess we will see. He just showed up to the church after we finished cleaning. That night we had our branch presidency meeting, i nearly fell asleep....
Sunday was fun we had church in the morning as usual. We then had a lesson with Denis who is the son of the Branch President here who was recently baptised so we are just finishing up the lessons there. After that it was back home to have a lovely lunch and then out to work! We got back in at about 6 to finish off the day with Dinner and some planning for the week.
So yeah that's about my week, not too much special just the normal missionary life....
Shoutout to FEDERER! woo!!! I'm sure you would be happy mum as well as pappa. I miss the aussie open....
Anyways so this week should be fun, we have Zone Conference this week so that should be fun and interesting to see how we can use the new Schedule.
Also, my heart goes out to all those that died in Melbourne during the week with the thing that happened in the city.... some people are crazy.
I love you all and hope you have a great week! xoxo
Sorry no photos... i was lazy :(
Elder Winfield
Starješina Winfield
Старешина Винфилд
Adriatic North Mission
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