Well this week was quick! We had a lot on in the end which made it go really fast.
Monday we started off with just a normal day, we ended up going to some place where you can play pool and darts and things, so we took one of our english class students with us, he is kind of an investigator you could say too, although he is pretty entrenched in his orthodox beliefs, it was still fun though to be able to have some fun etc... After that we got a call from the sisters saying we need to go give a blessing to some lady who lives about a 10 minute drive away from where we live so we got the senior couple to take us and the sisters there. Turns out she didn't need a blessing but for us to move a bunch of stuff around in her living room... we were there for like an hour just moving these huge closet things, which had like china and really nice things inside of it so we had to take it all out then move it... it was good to be able to do some service but yeah, elder Deleeuw and I were screwed after that.. it was like a 4 man job but the room was probably the size of my room down stairs back at home..
JUST A SIDE NOTE: ONE OF THE SISTER'S PARENTS (MENTIONED ABOVE) LIVES IN SALT LAKE CITY AND SENT LIAM A PACKAGE TO CHEER HIM UP. WHAT A SWEET BLESSING. THAT SISTER SENT AN EMAIL TO HER MUM SAYING: The elders did most of the work... we just made sure they didn't break anything... At one point elder Winfield was like "Sisters, just keep doing what you're doing" and we were like "Okay! What were we doing?" then he was like.."nothing." Haha.
Tuesday we left to Tuzla for our exchange that we would be doing with the other elders there, I was staying in Banja Luka so I got back and it was just contacting and some english class..
Wednesday I had a fair bit to do as Zone Conference was on the Friday and we were in charge of the food, so I just ordered like 20 pizzas for everyone, luckily they were chilled with only a few days notice. Wednesday was kind of rough work wise, it rained pretty much all day, and at night it poured down and we didn't have our umbrellas, still not sure why i didn't but it happened and we got soaked.
Thursday we switched back and that went fine, once we got back to we had to get some more things for Zone Conference like water bottles etc.. anyways we got all that done then we had our district meeting and following that we had english and yeah after that we pretty much just set up all the chairs and tables for Zone Conference.
Friday was the big day... kind of. We got there at like 9am and yeah, we had to start the meeting without president Grant as he was stuck at the border. Anyways so that all happened, we had our presentation on finding and my bit was about the Forsbury Flop and high jump, talked about how we need to change things up so we can do better as he did. Anyways so the conference went well in the end, after that there was a lot of talk on transfers so it should be interesting! not sure how I feel about it all but it should be okay. After the Zone Conference, some of president Grants family came and one of there relatives son's came here for a mini mission over a period of like 4 or so weeks or something, and while he was here they found one of members who is really strong here, so they wanted to meet her, so I called her and yeah then they invited her for dinner and we had to translate so we got to come along :) woo! so that was fun. translating makes me tired though I was done at the end of the night. Got your guys package though, thanks for all the lovely letters and chocolate! black forest.. mmmm yum. and also the card game skip bo! I taught deleeuw how to play so we have been playing a bit.
Saturday was just a normal day we had contacting, cleaning the church, we also met with one of the recent converts here, we taught him the Law of the Tithe along with a couple of other commandments, we are trying to get him all prepped to go to the temple. After that I don't even remember what happened to be honest.
Sunday was also a big day, we had President Grant come down, I had to translate his whole talk... that was fun, I was actually a little surprised I did a lot better then what I thought I would. Anyways after that we had lunch at the senior couple's house with the Grants and the sisters... after that we went to a members house to give a blessing and to show a new BYU Pathways program to one of the members who is looking to study so that was cool, again though my brain was fried with translating at the end of the day, apart from that though that was my week :)
This week will be transfer reveals so that's always intense... only 1 more after this one...
Hope you all have a great week I love you all :) xoxo
go tigers. ;) :)
Elder Winfield
Starješina Winfield
Старешина Винфилд
Adriatic North Mission

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